Saturday, April 01, 2006

Step 8 - Overcoming obstacles

Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals – Henry Ford
Never, never, never give up – Winston Churchill

Many people give up on their goals when they encounter obstacles. If only they’d realise that a huge part of achieving goals is navigating the obstacles. It’s like having your house painted – you know that to have a beautiful end result, you’re going to have to put up with the inconvenience of having dust everywhere. Goals are just the same. To achieve any goal, you are going to encounter an obstacle or two along the way. If you’re prepared for them however, and realise that it’s a natural part of the process, you’ll know that you can handle them and won’t give up.

The key is to plan your counter-attack! All of us are aware of some obstacles. A common one I hear from many people is that once they get home, they get side tracked and can’t get to the gym. If you know that this is an obstacle for you, then all you do is go to the gym before you go home, or go first thing in the morning before work. Another example is the one of people who struggle to save money because they love spending. The solution? Go to the shops only with the amount of cash you have budgeted to spend, or take your accountability partner with you. A coach can also help you remain focussed on your goals.

Remember that obstacles will always be there – that’s life – you choose whether they’re a stop sign or a detour.

Action steps for the month
1. Think about potential obstacles to achieving your goals.
2. Write down some solutions to overcoming them.
3. Tell yourself continually that you can handle them and keep focussed on the very next step.

'Til next time…

Enjoy success
Marcia Francois

Do you want to use this article? You may, as long as you include this complete bio with it: Marcia Francois, the Take Charge coach and professional organiser, coaches people to reach their goals and maximise their potential. She publishes the popular “Take charge of your life” monthly ezine. If you're ready to finally live your dream life, get your FREE subscription now at


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