Saturday, April 01, 2006

Step 3 - Creating your action plan

"Life rewards action" - Dr Phil McGraw

I've found that the bigger your goal seems to be, the harder it is to start on it. Yes, this is the big P - procrastination. The biggest secret to combat procrastination is to break the goal into small action steps. I've often said that small things, compounded over time, produce massive results. All you have to do is ask yourself this question: what can I do today to take me towards my goal? This works for anything you usually procrastinate about J

It's the very next action step that is so important. If your goal is to have a new job by June, it can seem like a huge thing until you start using the very next action step rule.

It becomes easier if your action plan looks something like this:
1. Make a list of job requirements
2. Pray and ask God for your job
3. Update CV
4. Phone 1 employment agency every day
5. Buy The Workplace every Monday and Wednesday
6. Phone for interviews

You see what I mean? A previously large goal actually looks like something manageable. After you write out the first action step and each subsequent step, the key is to keep asking yourself what the very next step needs to be.

When your plan is complete for each goal, organise your time so that you prioritise the activities in your diary. Be flexible and prepared to change activities around so that you are always able to work your goals.

Action steps for the month
1. Write up your action plan for each of your goals
2. Review the plan every Sunday of this month

'Til next time…

Enjoy success
Marcia Francois

Do you want to use this article? You may, as long as you include this complete bio with it: Marcia Francois, the Take Charge coach and professional organiser, coaches people to reach their goals and maximise their potential. She publishes the popular “Take charge of your life” monthly ezine. If you're ready to finally live your dream life, get your FREE subscription now at


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