Saturday, April 01, 2006

Step 2 - Set SMART goals

"A goal properly set is halfway reached" - Zig Ziglar

What does it mean to set SMART goals?

S pecific - your goals must not be vague or ambiguous. For example, don't put down that you need to lose weight. Instead say that you need to lose 10 kg.

M easurable - how will you know if you've achieved the goal, or are on track to achieving it? If you've lost 2 kg over 2 months, you know that you're on your way to reaching your goal.

A ctionable - what action steps do you need to do to reach it? In our weight loss example, you may have steps like drinking 2L of water daily, exercising 3 - 5 times every week, eating 3 - 5 portions of fruit and vegetables, etc.

R ealistic - your goal should challenge you but not be totally unattainable so that you're constantly frustrated. Expecting to lose the entire 10kg in 2 months or going to the gym every day is probably unrealistic and you'll be setting yourself up for failure.

T imeous - your goal must have a deadline otherwise you'll procrastinate. The deadline will put some pressure on you to get moving.

Some bonus steps:
· Set some small goals that you can accomplish quickly (in the next month or two). This will help you to develop a success mentality about achieving the rest of your goals.
· Write them down - this is probably the most important step because writing them down makes them tangible and real. "Until you write down your goals they are just wishes and fantasies" - Stewart Cruse

Action steps for the month
Invest the time to set meaningful, SMART goals for each area of your life.
Write or type them and put them somewhere you'll see them every day.

'Til next time…

Enjoy success
Marcia Francois

Do you want to use this article? You may, as long as you include this complete bio with it: Marcia Francois, the Take Charge coach and professional organiser, coaches people to reach their goals and maximise their potential. She publishes the popular “Take charge of your life” monthly ezine. If you're ready to finally live your dream life, get your FREE subscription now at


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