Saturday, April 01, 2006

Step 1 - What is your definition of success?

"As you climb the ladder of success, make sure the ladder is leaning against the right wall" - source unknown

You can achieve 50 goals this year and still end up feeling frustrated and unfulfilled if those goals aren't contributing to your purpose or mission. The problem is that most people don't have a clue about their purpose on earth. USA Today did a survey in 1999 and asked people what they would ask God if they could ask Him any question. A huge majority answered, "what is my purpose?" Do you know what your purpose is?

Here are some questions to help you: what do you most love to do - teach, nurture, create, mediate, perform, lead, communicate? How would you most like to help people? What do you feel is your true vocation? At the end of your life, what would you most like to know you'd made a difference in?

Your definition of success is very closely linked to your purpose. You can be sure that Mother Teresa's definition of success had something to do with feeding and caring for the underprivileged, and not much to do with accumulating as much money as possible.

The main thing to understand is that your definition of success is unique to you. It's the only way you can be the best person you are meant to be.

Once you have this settled, you can then start setting goals that are aligned with your purpose and that will be supporting your definition of success.

Action step for the month
Work on and write out your purpose statement and then write a paragraph on what success means for you.

'Til next time…

Enjoy success
Marcia Francois

Do you want to use this article? You may, as long as you include this complete bio with it: Marcia Francois, the Take Charge coach and professional organiser, coaches people to reach their goals and maximise their potential. She publishes the popular “Take charge of your life” monthly ezine. If you're ready to finally live your dream life, get your FREE subscription now at


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